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Our Programs 

Services are free and confidential regardless of your immigration status.

Mente & Corazón

At MiA we have bilingual advocates trained to offer free, confidential support to survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault, and their families, to find safety and improve their well-being. We walk hand in hand with you, respecting and honoring your cultural identity and values, we empower you and offer you information so you can make clear decisions. Our advocates can help you navigate your options and educate you about your rights. We refer you and connect you to other resources, including Spanish-speaking mental health therapists.


Services under Mente & Corazón:

  • Crisis intervention

  • Security planning

  • Advocacy-based counseling

  • Information 

  • Assistance to apply for public benefits

  • Support navigating systems

  • Medical advocacy (eg. acom 

  • Legal advocacy 

  • Advocacy for minors

  • Referrals to other services and resources

If you have any questions about these services, please do not hesitate to contact us at 509-869-0876.

Mente y Corazon

Puerto Seguro

We understand that one of the biggest barriers for survivors is not having anywhere to go. Many times shelters are not appropriate for our community due to the cultural and language barriers that exist. That's why we offer free, confidential help and support to navigate the housing system. Our advocate will help you identify your options and connect you with low-income housing programs for which you may qualify. Our supportive housing services include:​

  • Support to apply for housing programs

  • Information about your rights 

  • Financial assistance for moving or paying rent or deposit (depending on available funds)

  • Access to emergency housing (depending on vacancy)

  • Support navigating systems

  • Support communicating with your landlord

  • Referrals to other services and resources

Puerto Seguro

Arte & Cafecito

One of the effects of domestic violence or sexual assault is isolation. We want you to know that you are not alone. We invite you to our Art and Cafecito group, a safe and creative space where you can connect with other women. This is a group in Spanish where we touch on various topics that have to do with self-care, overcoming trauma, healthy relationships and more. Typically, it is a series of meetings on Saturday mornings during the first season and fall.


ComUnidad & Acción

Our work extends beyond directly supporting survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. As immigrants, we understand the systemic barriers that our Latine community faces day after day. This often prevents people experiencing violence from finding safety, support and stability in systems such as hospitals, courts, police, etc.


Therefore, through ComUnidad & Acción we collaborate with and challenge systems and people in positions of power within government to create access to important services for all survivors.

Comunidad y Accion

Jóvenes in Action

JiA is a domestic and sexual violence prevention program with a focus on Latine youth. We offer culturally appropriate presentations and workshops for youth ages 13-18 to change attitudes and beliefs about violence. and foster healthy relationships.

If you would like your child to participate in our program, please contact us.

Jovens in Action

Community Outreach 


MiA participates in community outreach to raise awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault. We offer presentations and workshops to other organizations, schools, systems and businesses. We participate in community events and collaborate with other organizations to provide resources to survivors.


If you are interested in scheduling a presentation or workshop from MiA, Do not hesitate to contact us.


Training & Education

MiA offers training and education for professionals working with survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Our trainings cover topics such as trauma-informed care, cultural sensitivity, and advocacy.


We offer volunteer opportunities for people who want to gain more experience and develop professionally in this field of work. If you are interested in our training or would like to volunteer, do not hesitate to contact us.



318 E Rowan Ave., Suite 208

Spokane, WA 99207


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